AmLo's Great American Vacation

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Goodbye Grandpa Joe

We found out on the morning of September 12, 2006 that JAmLo’s dear Grandpa Joe passed away. These photos are from the beginning of our trip. We made Grandpa the first real stop and are so glad that we did. He smiled much of the time and truly enjoyed the girls and getting to know XAmLo. The night before we left, we went knew things had taken a turn as when we went to say goodnight, his nurse told us he’d been sick after dinner and so had gone to bed and was already asleep. JAmLo went in to tell him goodnight and we don’t even know if Grandpa woke up all the way to realize. It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to Grandpa. I didn’t know him for long, but he was always so kind to me and inclusive from the moment we first met when LAmLo was little. I truly appreciated his generosity and his love. I am proud to know that my girls share in his legacy and can only hope that I live as long and full of a life with the same amount of grace he exhibited. Thank you Grandpa Joe, for all your love, your kindness and your support. You will be missed…






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